Thursday, August 30, 2012

NexPort Campus to Release Version 4.0.6

NexPort Campus to Release Version 4.0.6

OKLAHOMA CITY – Aug. 30, 2012 – NexPort Solutions Group will release the latest version of NexPort Campus today. NexPort Campus version 4.0.6 includes faster searching of user management using Solr indexing engine, the ability for administrators to monitor activity and allow administrators to better track student activity, as well as enhanced student activity monitoring and quicker section title search within reports with auto-complete. The latest version also allows administrators and instructors to grant students access to their test attempt responses and correct answers. Instructors can also access this information.

“Using NexPort Campus for our online programs has provided our organization with a
lot of flexibility, including the ability to customize pages, fields, headers, and login pages for each of our schools,” Wendy Kauffman, COO Smart Horizons Career Online Education, said. “In my experience with other learning management systems, enrollment and student performance data is not easily accessible. With NexPort Campus, I can easily run custom reports that allow me to roll up data or use filters to disaggregate data, including fields that I create for my organization.”

NexPort Campus is a secure, hosted learning and knowledge management system. NexPort Campus also supports interactive engagement within learning communities through the use of videos, organization-wide calendar, shared documents, organization-wide webpages and threaded discussions. Additional system features include data interoperability with external systems, secure digital libraries with subscriber-only access and an integrated Student Information System (SIS).

NexPort Campus also allows clients to provide their learners with customized, on-demand training and education environment. Clients operate within their own branded portals to deliver their unique content and services independently of each other. Customers may subdivide their portals to establish and manage subordinate secure portals for their customers, subsidiaries or divisions. Each portal provides privacy protection and security. Your custom portal can be setup with Secure Sockets Layer technology (128-bit encryption) and a custom domain. 

NexPort Solutions Group enables educators and learners to use NexPort Campus to create, organize and hold webmeetings using NexPort Solutions Group’s own NexMeeting. NexMeeting promotes virtual learning, providing users with the ability to share desktops, hold conversations using headset and telephonic audio, survey meeting participants and share videos, PowerPoint slides, photos and documents using the whiteboard.

“My academic support team is highly complementary of the integrated NexMeeting tool's ease of use,” Kauffman said.Because it is integrated with NexPort Campus, it allows my team to quickly invite students to a web meeting to provide academic support.  We also use it for our internal meetings!”

About NexPort Solutions Group

NexPort Solutions Group is a division of Darwin Global Enterprises, a systems and software engineering company that provides innovative, cost-effective training solutions and support for federal, state and local government, as well as the private sector.


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  10. Wow, NexPort Campus version 4.0.6 sounds like a fantastic update! The enhancements for administrators and improved student activity monitoring are impressive, much like the innovative solutions from the best venture capital firms. Great job, NexPort Solutions Group!

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